Successful Summit: Training Tips for a Skyrace Trail Run

Skyracing is the thrilling combination of trail running and mountaineering. Endurance, agility, and mental resilience is tested as runners navigate through rugged terrain and conquer towering peaks. If you're getting ready to take the start line at one of the Skyrunning Series Skyraces, presented by First Ascent, preparation is key for peak performance. It all starts with lacing up the trail shoes and getting started with the basics.

Start with a Solid Foundation

Any trail race demands cardio fitness and muscular strength and Skyraces are no different. To work towards building a strong foundation, incorporate a mix of activities such as running, hiking, and cycling to increase your aerobic capacity and overall endurance. Gradually increase your mileage and intensity to avoid overexertion and minimise the risk of injuries.

Train on Varied Terrain

Skyraces involve steep ascents, technical descents, and rugged trails. Try to simulate the race conditions by incorporating different terrains into your training. Find hilly routes, rocky trails, and mountainous landscapes to get used to the challenges ahead. Mimicking the terrain where you can also help to improve your stability, balance, and trail-specific skills.

Master the Art of Climbing

Naturally, climbing is a key part of a Sky Race. Becoming better at climbing isn’t just training the legs, it’s about developing efficient climbing techniques. Incorporate uphill repeats and stair workouts to increase your power and practice getting into the flow of a steady rhythm, using shorter strides, and engaging your upper body for balance during steep ascents. They’re hard work, but hill sprints are handy in helping improve your speed and anaerobic capacity.

Conquer the Descents

What goes up, must come down… and descending can be equally challenging as climbing in Skyraces, especially when the terrain is technical. Train the technical descents and gradually increase your speed as you gain confidence. Practise quick footwork, leaning slightly forward, and maintaining a controlled stride length to increase your speed while decreasing the chance of injury.

Get to Know Your Nutrition

“Food is mood” in Skyraces. And that starts with training. Experiment with various nutrition strategies during your training to figure out what works best for you. Practice the same types of foods and hydration strategies that will be available during the race for the best nutrition plan come race day.

Get the Good Goods for your Gear

If you feel good, you perform better. Running in gear that is comfortable for longer efforts and various terrain is a crucial part of a successful Skyrace. Make sure you are equipped with all the gear you need for a morning on the mountain. We’ve got the perfect apparel to keep you warm in the cold and cool if it’s warm! 

Mind Over Matter

Skyraces can be physically draining but they’re also mentally demanding. Be aware of how you are deepening your well of mental resilience during your training. Training your legs and your body is important but practising visualisation techniques and positive self-talk is equally important to overcome challenges and stay focused during the race. Developing mental toughness will help you push through fatigue and doubt, making sure you can fully embrace the beauty and thrill of the Skyrace.

Finally, seize the challenge with both hands, stay determined, and savour the breathtaking scenery as you push your limits in pursuit of your Skyrace goals. Best of luck on your incredible journey and we’ll see you at the first Skyrace in Langeberg!

Author: Becky Leighton