Taking On the Num-Num Trail in Mpumalanga

If you want to combine a pure trail running route experience with some of the greatest scenery known to man, then the Num-Num Trail, also a well-known hiking trail, is just what the doctor ordered. Be warned though, it’s not known as a ‘knee-breaker’ for nothing. The trail includes steep climbs, down hills, bridges, ladders and technical bits to ensure you’re sufficiently knackered afterwards.

Got the right gear for the Num-Num trail? Browse our X-Trail range here.

It’s a challenge for fit trail runners who love nature and adrenaline in equal measures. The 32km trail length has been described as ‘not for sissies’, which is a nice South African-ism for: ‘a ball-breaker’ of a run.

Important to note, a minimum of 4 runners are advised for safety reasons, so be sure to take your toughest trail mates along for some serious fun.

More information: Num-Num Hiking Trail